Keep working on your dreams………..inspirational people when you need them the most- J.K Rowling (4 min read)


Most of us have a dream. And when we first find it, it seems so easy. Our confidence is high. This dream is achievable. And then after time the vision grows dimmer. The possibilities of actually manifesting our dreams seems less and less likely. And it’s at this point that we need inspiration and fortunately there are many in the world that have had the same experience and still manifested their dreams. So when the chips are down and the goal seems impossible it’s to these real life stories we can turn to, to re inspire us .

As most of you know I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I love the universe, the characters and the magic. However the story behind the book is just as amazing as the books themselves.

J.K Rowling had a vision and a dream which took her through the hardest parts of her…

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Dear Student,

Part-time Human

You are not a number. Your value is not defined by a grade, a percentage, a GPA or an SAT score. You are a human being, with hopes, dreams, aspirations and a mind to think for yourself.

Your presence in school may be required, but it is up to you to make something of it. From kindergarten until you graduate and beyond, it is you who determine what you get from your education. That’s not to say that the school you attend, the classes you enroll in, or the teachers you end up with have no impact, but ultimately it’s all on you. That should not sound like a crushing weight or just another responsibility – it’s actually freeing. Getting a good education is a privilege that not all children and young adults get and often it is those that are more affluent or are enrolled in a better school…

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